Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hiking is so fun

Sorry for the delay on this post, I've just has some stuff come up and it's taken a lot of my time.

Anyways, the hike last Friday was great! I walked along the river near by house. Unfortunately it was slightly flooded from all the rain we had recently, so I couldn't get very close to it. I spent some time just relaxing and drawing in my sketchbook while listening to the birds chirp. I drew my rendition of a Wendigo, but unfortunately I don't have a scanner at the moment, so I can't submit it right now. I'll be getting one this Monday though

Anyways, I decided to go home after I saw what looked like bear tracks on the ground. On the way home, I saw some bags handing in trees dripping with some kinda red stuff. I guess it was just the local teenagers goofing off or something. It reminded me of something I read on the internet though, I can't remember what.

On the way home, I saw a little group of deer grazing in the forest. I accidentally scared them off after I tripped on my shoelace (I'm a clutz), but it was just a treat to see them.

Overall it was a good day. I wonder what those kids planned to do with those bags though?

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